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时间:2024-08-15 作者:手机APP德扑网_HHpoker德扑圈_We俱乐部加入 来源:app.61koalas.com 阅读:0

1.鍞湁缇庨涓庣埍涓嶅彲杈滆礋锛孡ive for love锛宭ove for food銆?/p>

2.Eat a piece of candy every day and tell yourself the day is sweet again銆?/p>

3.Sleep til youre hungry, eat til youre sleepy. My delicious Valentine銆?鐫″埌琚タ閱?鍚冨埌蹇潯鐫€銆傝繃涓編鍛虫儏浜鸿妭銆?/p>

4.With the one you love锛?and gold Gold emperor chocolate

5.Wine cant satisfy my needs, food in my throat to dust, once how I drunk a lavish life can satisfy my desire. Forget those horrible ghost story, I was living in the real nightmare, I am not living, but also wont die, moonlight will let I betray oneself, let me in the living body walking in the world.(缇庨厭鏃犳硶婊¤冻鎴戠殑闇€姹?缇庨鍦ㄦ垜鐨勫枆闂村寲涓哄皹鍩?/p>

6.I have a sweet tooth. 鎴戝枩娆㈠悆鐢滈

7.The cold food of the Ming Dynasty, another spring.鏄庢湞瀵掗浜?鍙堟槸涓€骞存槬銆?/p>

8."Happiness is not about being immortal nor having food or rights in ones hand. It鈥檚 about having each tiny wish e true, or having something to eat when you are hungry or having someones love when you need love. 骞哥,涓嶆槸闀跨敓涓嶈€?涓嶆槸澶ч奔澶ц倝,涓嶆槸鏉冨€炬湞閲庛€傚垢绂忔槸姣忎竴涓井灏忕殑鐢熸椿鎰挎湜杈炬垚銆傚綋浣犳兂鍚冪殑鏃跺€欐湁寰楀悆,鎯宠鐖辩殑鏃跺€欐湁浜烘潵鐖变綘銆?

9.Eat and drink, look before your eyes, and live frugally through the famine.

10.Happiness is about having each tiny wish e ture.

11.The Meiji chocolate锛?taste the apex锛?praising the announcer of youth Japan Meiji chocolate

12.Memories,beautiful very hurt,memories,memories of the past but can not go back銆?/p>

13.鏈変竴鍙ヨ瘽鍙?If you are what you eat, then only eat the best.涓枃閲婁箟涓?濡傛灉浣犱細鎴愪负閭d簺浣犲悆杩涘幓鐨勪笢瑗?閭d箞灏辫鍚冩渶濂界殑涓滆タ銆?/p>

14.Love is chocolate, love is the heart 鈥?melting chocolate

15.You cant eat your cake and have it also銆備笘浜嬩袱闅惧叏銆?/p>

16.Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a stalled ox and hatred therewith. 鍚冪礌鑿?褰兼鐩哥埍,寮哄鍚冭偉鐗?褰兼鐩告仺銆?/p>


18.If youre with me, Ill take you to eat all over the world.濡傛灉浣犲拰鎴戝湪涓€璧?鎴戝甫浣犲幓鍚冮亶涓栫晫銆?/p>

19.The clever cook puts unlikely things together, like duck and orange, like pineapple and ham. 鑱槑鐨勫帹甯堟妸涓嶆惌鐣岀殑涓滆タ鐓湪涓€璧?濡傞腑瀛愬拰姗欏瓙,鑿犺悵鍜岀伀鑵裤€?/p>

20.Are you drinking fuyanjie, your mouth is so sweet.

21.Let the life more taste锛?Nestle chocolate

22.銆奆orrest Gump銆嬶細 Llife is like a box of chocolates, you never konw what you going to get.

23.In fact, like me, you are a monster in peoples eyes, but people need you more now.鍏跺疄浣犲拰鎴戜竴鏍?閮芥槸浜轰滑鐪间腑鐨勬€墿,鍙笉杩囦汉浠幇鍦ㄦ洿闇€瑕佷綘缃簡銆傗€斺€斻€婅潤铦犱緺:榛戞殫楠戝+銆?/p>

24.Memories, beautiful very hurt, memories, memories of the past but can not go back. 鈥斺€斿洖蹇?寰堢編鍗村緢浼?鍥炲繂鍙槸鍥炰笉鍒拌繃鍘荤殑璁板繂銆?/p>

25.Stolen waters are sweet and bread eaten in secret is pleasant. 鍋锋潵鐨勬按鏄敎鐨?鏆楀悆鐨勯ゼ鏄ソ鐨勩€?/p>

26.Life is like a cup of tea.It wont be bitter for a lifetime but for a short while anyway.浜虹敓灏卞儚涓€鏉尪,涓嶄細鑻︿竴杈堝瓙,浣嗘€讳細鑻︿竴闃靛瓙

27.Will pass锛?in the love of beauty the thought of beauty 鈥?Shanghai thought chocolate

28.Life is simple.You make choices and you dont look back. 浜虹敓寰堢畝鍗?鍋氫簡鍐冲畾灏变笉瑕佸悗鎮斻€?/p>

29.Summer Shack Food is Love锛堢編椋熷氨鏄埍鎯咃級

30.The moon cake is eaten away, but the sweetness remains.鏈堥ゼ宸插悆,鐢滆湝鐘瑰瓨

31.The food is delicious.锛堝ソ鍚冿紒锛?/p>

32.With the front of the person you love锛?and the gold emperor 鈥?gold emperor chocolate

33.Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to eat.鈥?There are many different kinds of tastes in our life. Some bring us happiness, some make us sad and some give us unforgettable memories.

34.Yum 琛ㄧず涓滆タ濂藉悆鐨勪竴绉嶈姘旇瘝銆備緥濡傦細I like this cake锛?yum锛?/p>

35.only love and delicacy cannot refuse. 鍞湁缇庨涓庣埍涓嶅彲杈滆礋

36.I have eggplant and tomatoes forlunch. 鎴戝崍楗悆鑼勫瓙鍜岃タ绾㈡熆銆?/p>

37.memory is a wonderful thing if you dont have to deal with the past銆傗€斺€斿洖蹇嗘槸闈炲父缇庡ソ鐨勪簨,鍙浣犺兘璁╄繃鍘荤殑閮借繃鍘汇€?/p>

38.The life between spouse should be like a pair of chopsticks:They cant be away from each other and they taste everything together.澶淇╄繃鏃ュ瓙瑕佸儚涓€鍙岀瀛?涓€鏄皝涔熺涓嶅紑璋?浜屾槸浠€涔堥吀鐢滆嫤杈i兘鑳藉湪涓€璧峰皾

39.Do not blame your food because you have have no appetite銆傚綋浣犳病鑳冨彛鏃?涓嶈鎶辨€ㄩ鐗┿€?/p>

40.quot;Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.蹇嶈€愭槸鐥涜嫤鐨?浣嗗畠鐨勬灉瀹炴槸鐢滆湝鐨勩€?

41.Ill make it up to you. 鎴戜細

42.Did you get your happiness of my life 鈥?dove chocolate

43.the food is delicious.濂藉悆!

44.I tasted it too early.浜嬬墿鐨勫懗閬?鎴戝皾鐨勫お鏃╀簡銆?/p>

45.Eat rice dumplings, the four seasons of happiness, wrapped in a year of health hope.

46.we have much more food,but less nutrition; 鎴戜滑鏈変簡鏇村鐨?椋熺墿,浣嗘墍鑳藉緱鍒扮殑钀ュ吇鍗磋秺鏉ヨ秺灏戜簡鏉ユ簮.

47.Life is like angry birds.There are always several pigs laughing when you lose.

48.A bad custom is like a good cake, better broken than kept.

49.You cannot have your cake and eat it. 鏈夊緱灏辨湁澶便€?浜嬮毦涓ゅ叏鍏剁編銆?

50.浜虹敓灏卞儚涓€鐩掑阀鍏嬪姏锛屼綘姘歌繙涓嶇煡閬撲笅涓€鍧椾細鏄粈涔堝懗閬撱€?銆奆orrest Gump銆嬶細 Llife is like a box of chocolates, you never konw what you going to get.,銆婇樋鐢樻浼犮€?/p>

51.I want to eat you with dusk dipped in sweet sauce.

52.You have a good smell of fireworks, so I like the world.

53.There are 100 ways to be sweet: eat sugareat cakemiss you 98 times.

54.Eat bitter,dont forget the farmer dress does not forget the workers busy.

55.when you are full銆亂ou are hungry when you are hungry.

56.Waiting is painful銆侳orgetting is painful銆侭ut not knowing which to do is the worse kind of suffering銆?/p>

57.The milk fragrant farmers as silk feel 鈥?dove chocolate The dove chocolate


59.every thing tastes great.姣忔牱涓滆タ閮藉緢缇庡懗!

60.We used to live on vegetables and rice.鎴戜滑杩囧幓浠ヨ敩鑿滃拰绫抽キ涓轰富椋熴€?/p>

61.happiness is that u have food to eat, place to sleep and people to love. happiness is when thedesolated soul meets love.

62.Better a meal of vegetables where there is love than a fattened calf with hatred.鍚冪礌鑿滃郊姝ょ浉鐖?寮哄鍚冭偉鐗涘郊姝ょ浉鎭ㄣ€傘€婃棫绠淬€?/p>

63.The food is delicious.(濂藉悆!)

64.Cherish yourself锛?starting from the galler 鈥?galler chocolate

65.Food,more vegetables also want to prepare a few POTS.

66.I eat merely to put food out of my mind.鎴戝悆涓滆タ鍙槸涓轰簡涓嶅啀鍘绘兂椋熺墿銆?/p>

67.meters銆乤 person not easily won when thinking銆乴ove food Jieliang for everyone.

68.Try our summer range of food.鍝佸皾澶忓鍚勭椋熷搧

69.Good face every day to see, eat 100 are tired.

70.Cold and warm floating dust, food for the day, bitter and sweet in the world, good first.

71.nutrition face to face, noodles soup is more fresh.

72.I want to be a stinky tofu like person, smelling stink and eating fragrant, which is called connotation!

73.For a slim figure, share your foodwith the hungry.鑻ヨ鑻楁潯鐨勮韩鏉?鎶婁綘鐨勯鐗╁垎缁欓ゥ楗跨殑浜恒€?/p>

74.Eat when you are sad, because the distance between your stomach and heart isvery close. When you are full, the warm stomach will occupy the position of yourheart, so that your heart will not feel so lonely and empty.

75.Beauty will buy no beef. 婕備寒涓嶈兘褰撻キ鍚?/p>

76.I dont regret not to meet you in the best time, because the best time to start after met you.鎴戜竴鐐归兘涓嶉仐鎲炬病鏈夊湪鏈€濂界殑鏃跺厜閬囧埌浣?鍥犱负閬囧埌浣犱箣鍚庢渶濂界殑鏃跺厜鎵嶅紑濮嬨€?/p>

77.rice grains銆乻weat銆乶o food銆亀hen we regret.

78.You can keep eating and eating, but no food can fill the emptiness in your heart.浣犲彲浠ヤ笉鍋滃湴鍚冨晩鍚?浣嗘槸娌℃湁椋熺墿鑳藉濉ˉ鍐呭績鐨勭┖铏氥€傗€斺€斻€婅€佸弸璁般€?/p>

79.Eat dumplings on the 15th day of the first month. Good luck porridge is sweet for you.

80.Beauty will buy no beef.婕備寒涓嶈兘褰撻キ鍚冦€?/p>

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